Join a virtuous circle that saves ecosystems - and money

Join a virtuous circle that saves ecosystems - and money

Your ocean needs you. It is easy to make a difference. Join the Plastic Chain of action - see video below.

The New Zealand Government will invest up to $40 million for projects that turn plastic waste into usable materials. see announcement:

  • Ask retailers for non-plastic packaging alternatives, eg starch-based meat trays that biodegrade quickly.

  • Take your rubbish home with you from the beach, and don’t throw it overboard.

  • Ask for reusable shopping bags or bring your own. New Zealanders used on average 250 single-use shopping bags each last year. Where do your plastic bags go to die? See which councils are helping solve the problem - and which are just making it worse:

  • Buy bottled products that don’t have a tamper-proof ring around the base of the cap. These detach after opening and can kill seabirds if they slip over their bills in the sea or on the beach.

  • Avoid products that contain micro-beads. The smallest are often found in cosmetics or even toothpaste. Larger ones are used to make plastic products. Whatever the size, fish and birds mistake them for food – and choke on them. New Zealand, the United Kingdom and some other countries have banned microbeads.

  • Avoid most plant feeding pellets, as the nutrients are impregnated into plastic, which disintegrates into the soil and water table.

  • Monitor international developments and demand New Zealand take action - or, better still, lead the way. See our News page.


Maui's Ark founder Stephen Harris explains the Plastic Chain. Video filmed by Caleb Corlett